A New Year, A New Idea
New Year’s resolutions aside, I always like the freshness of January. It’s a clean slate and a great time to start writing a new story. Of course, training myself to become a plotter rather than a panster has meant that this new story has some bones already – a like a five page outline and plot trajectory and character profiles etc. But it’s still great to write Chapter One and know these characters are about to take a fabulous journey and get their happy-ever-after at the end. I’m always amazed at where ideas come from – snippets of conversation, friends, movies, past experiences. This one came from a television show I watched late one night about twins separated when they were young. I was intrigued by the similar experiences they’d had throughout their life, even thought they lived in different countries. For me, the ideas phase is the most creative – there are no rules, no guidelines – only imagination running riot. I’m looking forward to getting into this story and seeing where it takes me – and where I can takes my characters. I always enjoy it when my cp’s start something new – there’s an energy about the writing which is contagious. So, a new year and new ideas . . . roll on.
Your new idea sounds really intriguing! I agree about starting new things. Am so over the revs I'm doing at the moment and can't wait to throw myself into something fresh.
Interesting that you've become a plotter too – do you think that's one of the things that made the final difference for you!?
Yay for a new, fresh shiny idea! Must be nice to have that outline and know some potential pitfalls have been headed off before you start.
You aren't scared it will take away some of the excitememnt? I guess 5 pages leaves you a fair bit of how they get there room!!
Good luck!!
Plotter v's panster . . . I certainly think it's helped me become more productive Rach. The book that was accepted by Special Edition was done without any plotting at all, though, and wrote itself in a couple of months. In saying that, it's since had many, many revisions/edits/re-writes etc, including the last lot of revisions for my editor. The biggest difference I see now in myself as a writer to where I was a couple of years ago is approach – I mean, I made a commitment to think of it as a business and read every SSE I could to understand what the editors were buying. I knew the line I wanted and entered RWA chapter contests where the final judge was the SSE editor I was aiming for. After a few finals I got the request for the full MS. After that it was a round of revisions and then acceptance. From the time I first wrote the book to the call from my agent it was two years. Now I'm discovering that plotting is helping me stay on track and keep up my productivity. H 🙂
I think as we grow as writers, we learn that there is a need for at least some specific plotting otherwise we get ourselves in a 'fix' with our story and chracters tearing off doing stuff we have to haul them back from. But then, of course that could be a good thing too!
Good on you Helen for developing your plotting skills. (Am envious!) Plotting for me is hard graft, i love writing the characters' backstory, but the actual plot/GMC of the book can be a struggle. Oh, well, i'll keep on ploding and plotting. What's that saying about the snail – getting there in the end!