Sold . . . Again!
So, I am very happy to report that last week I sold my second book to Harlequin Special Edition. My agent Scott Eagan called to tell me the good news. The time differences between Australia and the US make it interesting to catch emails and calls and we usually have a window of a fews hours. But when I got off the phone I did a poor imitation of a jig (dancing’s not my thing) and then spent a few hours floating around thinking how very lucky I am. And honestly, it’s just as exciting as the first time. I loved writing this particular story because the heroine and hero outwardly seemed like complete opposites and all wrong for one another . . . only to discover they shared a lot of the same ideals and were a perfect match after all. 🙂
I have some revisions to do and that’s ok. One they’re done I’ll return to the new book I was about to start writing. Mean while, it’s head down in the revision cave for a couple of weeks.
Wohoo – congrats on that AWESOME news Helen!
Thanks you Rach. It’s certainly a good feeling. And congrat’s to you on getting a release date. Exciting times ahead for you.